Student engagement during read aloud time can be a struggle, especially if you have twenty five plus kiddos crowed at the carpet. Read how I revolutionized my approach to interactive read loud lessons by implementing new strategies that increased student engagement and my interaction with students during these lesson. I love read aloud time! So do my students. Throughout my…
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Using Fables to Teach Reading Standards
My students love fables, and I love using them in my classroom. Fables are great for introducing reading standards, as well as helping my students see how these standards work together to help them better understand literary texts. As I have pointed out in my last post, 4 Tips for Helping Students Grasp Theme & Message, fables are a great…
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Teaching Theme in Literature
Teaching–theme in literature can be quite difficult at the elementary level. As a third grade teacher, I have struggled with this for years before figuring out how to make these concepts more tangible for my students. Here are some important things to consider when planning instruction. It wasn’t until I decided to change my approach, that I realized the graphic…
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Launching Reader’s Workshop
Every teacher loves a great back-to-school read aloud. There are so many popular titles to use as springboards for first day experiences, engaging students in making new friends, or getting back into the swing of school routines. But what about a read aloud for introducing reader’s–workshop? I have found the perfect story that will not only set the tone for…
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Shades of Meaning or Nuances
Understanding shades–of–meaning or nuances can make a huge difference in students’ ability to comprehend literary text. When reading with my students, I often ask them to describe the character’s feelings in the story. I typically get the same one-word responses: good, happy, sad, mad, etc… Of course, I prompt further to help them dig deeper into the text, but it…
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Favorite Freebies
I’ve been humming this tune as I put my classroom back together after a restful (but HOT!) summer. I know it’s a song we hear in December, but I can’t help but love the resources I have found on TeachersPayTeachers. When I search this site, I find myself being inspired by the many incredible gems offered by such creative teacher-authors. …
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